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Life is a series of miracles

Writer's picture: Lena HarbaliLena Harbali

Updated: Aug 16, 2021

In this existence of infinite possibilities, either everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle. Either everything that has happened since the beginning of time- like the Big Bang or the way electrons spin around an atom- can be explained with science, or, everything that has happened since the beginning of time has been a serious of serendipitous miracles that line up perfectly with the Universal Prophecy at all times. The Universal Prophecy is simple: expansion. The world wants to grow just like a seed wants to grow. It has the inherent desire to expand.

Because human beings are a biased species forming scientific theories under highly limited perspectives, I enthusiastically subscribe to the latter form of thinking. Science can only explain so much, and what we do know for certain can only be considered accurate within the scope of our narrow perception and understanding. This can be illustrated no clearer than the recent discovery that Einsteins theory of space was proven to be false, or at least incomplete. Einstein is a synonym for genius in modern culture, and we have accepted his theories as undeniable truths for generations. Yet, just this year, developments in scientific equipment lead to understanding more about the nature of dark matter and empty space in our universe.

Once you start living with the belief that every tiny moment is a miracle that leads to next moment which leads to the expansion of the universe, you will naturally start to watch and listen to figure out where the Universe wants you to go. Universe is speaking to you at all times but you have to learn to quiet the mind and pay attention to your surroundings. Messages from Source are relayed through this physical realm, so being in your head overthinking is the worse possible way to get through life. Thinking will never solve your problems. Not even doing will solve your problems. Only BEING will soothe the heartache in your soul. Learn to BE at peace, BE in the moment, and BE in gratitude, and you will begin to notice even the most subtle clues that are being left behind by Angels and guides who all work for the greater purpose of the Universal Flow.

The Universal Flow is the current of energy that fuels all of existence.

Some call this God, Qi, Prana, Yaweh, or Jesus. Energy doesn’t like being stagnant, and just like a river it will never flow backwards, only rushing forward in the direction of the current. Spirit guides and angels know this fact, and so they are here to help guide the people of earth towards their higher purpose that is aligned with this ethereal river. Once folks fall into alignment, they are “sucked in”, so to speak, to the fast flowing current in the center of the river where it flows the strongest. It then that people have unbelievable transformations, and seem to achieve “overnight success”.

You can tell when someone is in the flow state.

Their passions come easily to them. They communicate openly and with vulnerability. There is a light-ness and open hearted quality to their personality and presence. Life just seems to work out in their favor and from the outside it seems like they are being helped by divine forces. The flow state can be achieved with multiple practices but the main goal is to quiet the anxious mind and get in-tuned with the environment you are in. Creatively stimulating activities like dancing, painting, sports, or making music can help you tap into the flow by forcing you to get out of your head and into your body. Martial arts is one of my favorite forms of practice. I pair that with a meditation after training, and I can physically feel my vibration getting higher and falling in line with the fast river flow.

Your personal energy and vibration dictate where you will be in the river current of life.

If you are vibrating low, your energy will be too heavy to move through quickly. But, when your energy is light, and you are vibrating high, you flow through life like a feather in water. To illustrate this, picture throwing two objects into a stream. One is a small rock, and the other is a dried leaf. Which do you think will move fastest? The rock is heavy with emotional baggage, limiting beliefs, religious dogma, and social expectations. It will sink and struggle to march through the mud along the bottom of the stream, trying desperately to move forward in life. The leaf, on the other hand, is light. It has no beliefs, only curiosity and faith in miracles. There is nothing to “block” the flow of energy, so the leaf flows through the water at ten times the speed.

Learn to quiet the anxious mind, become grounded in the present moment, release emotional baggage, and raise your energetic vibration. Then, you will be open enough to start receiving messages from universe your path will be full of ease as you step into the current of life.

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